
It's been a while since I've posted. I got busy with life. Got married. Longer travel time. And just adjusting to a whole new life. But through it all, the promises of God just kept me motivated. 

Life isn't always how we plan it out to be. We have this picture perfect sense of life. 

And just like that, we fall in and out of relationships, in and out of finances, in and out of love. In wanting much more in the worldly sense of things, we often miss some of the greatest revelations God has for our lives. 

I want to encourage you to STOP! 

Just Breathe. Pray. Realise His Faithfulness. 

God does abundantly and exceedingly well for us even when we don't realise it. He's working tirelessly to fulfil the promises He has over our lives. 

God's love is always, and I mean always running over! 
