Cultivate a thankful heart

believe that every single day God is doing beautiful things in our lives. We just don't have the time to stop and notice, let alone be thankful. 

We've heard so many times about having an attitude of gratitude. So I'm going to take this attitude seriously. Cultivating a thankful heart, I'm sure will make me a much happier person than I already am. It's when we start to notice the minors will the majors really shine through. 

It was my birthday last week, and this is a resolution post. I'm going to try to put up a weekly post on what I was thankful for in the last week. 

So here goes 

10th November: Well this one's a major. Obviously! I was showered with so much love, I'd need a couple of posts to describe how I felt and how grateful I was for the friends and family God so strategically placed in my life. 

11th November - Thank you for my beautiful nieces. They called me from Australia and they're just adorable. 

12th November - Thank you for empty roads and empty trains (yes, as small as it sounds) it was a much needed peaceful day at work. 

13th November - Thank you for musically inclined friends. 

14th November -  Choir practice day! Thank you for a family I've found in the choir 

15th November - Thank you for the Children's day celebration in church. And for the lovely Martin Smith concert I got to see live. 

16th - Thank you for my mum, who wakes up much earlier than I do to make my tuck box even though she's unwell. 

Week one was awesome Jesus! #BlessedBeyondMeasure 
