God is Good, all the time! Do we think we are as good as God? Or can we strive to be the good that He is.
I recently watched this sermon where the preacher spoke about God and Goodness. He said
We all believe God is 100% good. There's no questioning that.
Now supposed you are asked how good is Mother Teresa, we could estimate a 70%
And if you were asked how good is a serial killer, we could estimate just 5%
The picture of grace is that both Mother Teresa and the serial killer have the same privilege. This is possible only because Jesus makes up the difference. He puts in the 30% or the 95%.
Nothing on this earth disqualifies a human being from being loved and accepted. Repentance is the key to grace. Sometimes we cannot fathom this truth. How can God love me the same as He loves a serial killer. Well the answer in Jesus.
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