A deadly sin

Let's face it! JEALOUSY DESTROYS! It's furtherest away from God. It's a lethal sin. 90% of our anger stems from jealousy - at least it is like that for me. 

Hold on, I'm not saying jealously is bad! Heck even God is jealous. But he is jealous FOR us- because He loves us so much. He is jealous for our highest good. That's the jealously we should own. Not the one that makes you avoid someone, the one that builds up resentment, the one that destroys. 

Why do we get jealous? Just because someone gets more attention than us, just because you hear them being praised. Pause! Even as these feelings creep in, think of how much more attention your father in heaven gives you. He's probably sitting up there right now and praising you in front of the saints. 

Never forget! He's carved you on the palm of His hand
